To get the perfect edge, take a piece of tape and stick it to the outer corner of your eye to the end of your eyebrow.
To keep lipstick on for a long time, apply lipstick and then take a tissue and blot your lips.Then, stick your thumb in your mouth and pull it out! (This will get any excess lipstick out of your mouth that might've gotten on your teeth!) Lastly, reapply your lipstick to make it last all day.
Make sure that you put on a samon colored concealer to make all of the redness and dissappear under your eyes.
If you're trying to get your eyebrows to stay in place or even little baby hairs, use a tool such as a spooley or an eyebrow brush to comb them back.
If you have oily hair, use a dry shampoo.
Using eye drops on pimples can reduce the redness on them!
Hope these tricks helped you girls!
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